Sunday 7 June 2015

SubMicroTrading Ultra Low Latency Java Trading Framework Preparing for Open Source

If you are using FPGA or the current third party providers for trading where microseconds really matter then please consider evaluating SubMicroTrading (TM). This is not vapourware or empty promises. It’s a trading framework almost 5 years in the making that I am preparing for open source with a target date August 2015.

Java can be used for ultra low latency.

        Just because someone doesn’t know how to do something, doesn’t mean its not possible

Key stats measured wire to wire in an independent lab using TipOff

800,000+ CME fast fix messages decoded per core per second

4 micros average tick to trade, wire to wire at 800,000 ticks/second (MAX tcpreplay) includes :-
Read packet from wire using Solarflare openonload and deliver to main memory (1 micro)
decode market data tick into a normalised POJO event (<1micro)
update book and invoke algo container (<1micro)
simple algo which crosses spread every X ticks and creates order POJO
Encode order to CME fix order request and ready to write to socket buffer (<1micro)
write packet to wire using Solarflare openonload (1 micro)

In process latency is measured at 2 micros with 2 micros in/out of Solarflare/OpenOnload
Note latency is highly dependant on configuration and data topology (which is why concurrency is so important)

Whats in open release
Current model and generated codecs including ETI, UTP, Millenium, Fix, FastFix, CME MDP
All market data and exchange codecs convert from external wire format to normalised common internal POJO events
Possibly fastest standard Fix engine on planet
Possibly fastest FastFix implementation on planet
Possibly fastest log engine on planet
Possibly fastest memory mapped index paged persistence
Possible fastest OMS on planet
Custom exchange session engines for ETI, UTP, Millenium, Fix, FastFix
Exchange trading simulator (works with any of the generated codecs like ETI)
Complete core of SubMicroTrading including thread core affinity
Component architecture for easy configuration of flow pipelines
Ability to extend and customise the source code of any component

Whats not in open first release
Encoder/Decoder and model generator
Exchange and market data agnostic Algo container
CME dynamic on the fly session generation
Book Manager and Book Conflation for optimal concurrent update processing
Sample spread algo implementation really shows the power of Java algos.

Note when comparing SubMicroTrading with other products, remember you have the source, you have full control. Don’t compare apples and oranges … SubMicroTrading converts wire messages to appropriate normalised domain objects allowing a clean and simple to use algo container.

To really compare performance you must test wire to wire within a controlled network. For really high throughput and to avoid exchange test environment throttling, run the exchange trading simulator and market data replay on a separate server. You can then run SubMicroTrading on the trading server then switch to an alternative implementation. Try the T1 benchmark at different TCP replay rates.

Try it, its pretty amazing to run the market data back using tcpreplay, the trading application and exchange simulator all on a low power laptop. To see the true power run on tuned CentOS linux with custom NIO and thread affinity configured.

Follow the blog or register on the website for confirmation on the open launch.